Recently Kate and I were making dinner, with my Ipod on a shuffle of Paul Simon tunes, and the song “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover” came on. Ever the observant one, Kate pointed out that in the song he only lists FIVE ways.
I love Paul Simon (click here for my top 10 favorite Paul Simon songs, of which this isn’t even one, though nonetheless, how can I resist the great tune, Steve Gadd’s drum groove and so on?), and I recognize his poetic license, but c’mon already! Far be it from me to stand idly by while my wife is dissatisfied, so I decided to help her (and Paul) out by coming up with 45 more. There are presumably others, but this at least brings it up to the proper number, while maintaining the song’s presupposition that this is a man’s departure under discussion.
DISCLAIMER #1: there is a fair bit of rhythmic/metric variety here, but each of these ways to leave your lover has been carefully vetted to fit within the (now-extended) song structure.
DISCLAIMER #2: the lover-leaving methods contained herein are for fictional purposes and do not reflect the viewpoints on fidelity held by the creator of this list or those entities he represents. In other words, men, stay put. Unless, you know, you have to go, in which case . . .
Take a hike, Mike
Look through new frames, James
Get away from the pain, Wayne
Slide away in your sled, Ned
Get up and go, Moe
Don’t stop to grieve, Steve
Get out tout de suite, Pete
Get in the car, Jair
And fill up the tank, Hank
Or hop in your Rover, Grover
Buck up and be brave, Dave
Get out and move on, Juan
Slide though the grate, Nate
It’s time to reject her, Hector
Time to find your bliss, Chris
Leave as soon as you’re ready, Freddie
Don’t waste your time there, Pierre
Go with what you feel, Gilles
Let me say it again, Sven
Don’t keep the truth hid, Sid
Give the door a new lock, Brock
Write, call or text her, Dexter
Her welcome is worn, Bjorn
Sign a new lease, Maurice
Stop paying the rent, Brent
Float down in a barrel, Carroll
Sail off in your ark, Mark
Don’t keep yourself here, Sabir
Load up the UHaul, Paul
Get the scissors and trim, Tim
Up up and away, Clay
Go off with a bang, Wolfgang
You need to keep things fresh, Dinesh
Walk off down the block, Jacques
Have ’em forward your mail, Gail
And the box that it’s held in, Sheldon
Go out the side, Clyde
Get away quick, Rick
Find yourself a new thing, Ling
Get straight in your head, Ahmed
Don’t stall or delay, Ray
Ride off on your cow, Joao
Or gallop on your steed, Reed
Be strong, not weak, Malik
No more of your jivin’ Ivan
(and get yourself free)
3 Responses
Thank goodness, no “drive into a ditch, Rich”.
Good one!!
Another option for Nate: ¨Simply levitate, Nate¨ 🙂 Creative list, enjoyed it!