The Ethics of “Doing Your Best”

One fascinating element of the scandal at Penn State is how people are having to grapple with the moral question of whether they did the best they could to deal with the situation. I’m realizing that evaluating whether people have done the best they could requires a deeper philosophical look at what that actually means.

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Pesto (with variations)

The recipe below represents an approximation of what we typically do. It’s interesting to note, however, that there is a lot of variation possible with not only amounts (you’ll learn how you like it best) but also actual ingredients, and there are satisfying variations for people who have allergies and sensitivities.

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Lucky 13

I initially thought about presenting this as advice, even a set of “guidelines” for a successful marriage, but what the heck do I know? What I am pretty sure that I know is that marriage takes commitment to a code of ethics and behaviors that is conducive to the well-being of the partnership.

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